Delivering in excess of 150,000 tonnes of potatoes to our customers per year, we have the knowledge and resource to operate a highly efficient and flexible supply chain that ensures the crop is delivered at its optimum, on time.
From excellence in the post-harvest grading, washing, length sorting and delivery of potatoes, using the latest state-of-the-art machinery, we are trusted to give our customers peace of mind that the produce delivered to them will meet and exceed their expectations.
For growers, every potato that leaves the farm is treated the same way and we are trusted to account for every kilogram that we grade. Transparency is key: we report on delivery performance and our partner growers trust us to make the right decisions, for the right outcome, making the most out of the crop.

Grower relations
Spearhead Potatoes works in partnership with likeminded processing growers, who all share our values, and with whom we have developed an open and honest relationship for the future. They benefit from our strong technical knowledge to maximise yield and quality, matching soil types with the most appropriate varieties, as well as having the confidence that Spearhead has an outstanding reliance on safety and a strong provenance.
As our business expands, we are looking to increase our network of growers who wish to join us in sharing our success. We welcome new contract growers and are also experienced at purchasing from growers on the spot market.
As large growers ourselves, we can offer peace of mind to our supply partners, ensuring no risk is taken that we wouldn’t take ourselves, because we really understand the operational factors behind each business. Our strength lies in our experience to understand each grower’s changeable circumstances and barriers.
Through a Spearhead relationship, we deliver the competitive advantage in potato supply that allows growers’ businesses to expand with assuredness and peace of mind. Come and join us.